Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hi from Laguna

Hey Guys,
We've had a great year! I had so much fun with all of you and it was so nice to get to know every one of you.
Let's keep in touch over the summer. Write where you are and what you're up to. I want to hear from you!!
Have a gr8 summer!
Missing you already!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Meeting #5

This Sunday night, at 5:30!
Looking forward to seeing you!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Challah Recipe

4½ tsp. yeast
1 ¾ cups warm water
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
½ cup oil
½ tbsp. salt
7-8 cups flour

Dissolve yeast in warm water and add sugar. Let sit for a few minutes until foamy. Add 1 cup of flour. Add the rest of the ingredients mixing after each addition. Knead the dough. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about an hour. Shape into loaves. Brush with egg. Let rise for 1/2 hour. Bake at 325 for 25 minutes.

Fudge Ice Cream Crunch

Ice Cream
8 egg whites separated
1 8 oz. whip
1 cup sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
3 1/2 cups rice crispies
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup coconut
1 stick margarine
Chocolate syrup

Mix ingredients of crunch together.
Spread crunch over bottom of pan and bake at 350 for 15 minutes.
Beat eggs, fold in sugar and vanilla. In a separate bowl, beat the whip. Slowly fold eggs and whip together.
After baked, take out 1/2 layer of crunch and remove from pan. Leave layer covering pan, drizzle chocolate syrup over crunch, pour ice cream on top. Spread remaining crunch on top and drizzle chocolate syrup. Freeze.

Apple Turnovers

6 apples
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
6 tbsp. flour
3/4 cups sugar

1 1/2 cups confectioner's sugar
4-6 tbsp. sugar

Peel and dice apples. Mix with rest of ingredients and fill inside pasty dough.
Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meeting #3

We had a great time. We started off by squeezing toothpaste out of its tube. Easy enough. The hard part came when we had to try to get the toothpaste back inside. From this we learned that once we say something, we can never take it back. It will always leave its mark.
We talked about 3 aspects of modesty. Thought, speech and action. We did an activity where we had to try and tell people's professions by their faces. We all guessed, but we were only able to really tell once we saw the full picture and what they were wearing. From this we learned that clothing really does show on the person. We had lot of fun making frosted mirrors. (Some of us learned how to use a razor!) When we get dressed every morning, we should look ourselves in the mirror and make sure that the way we're dressed will give the impression we want to make. That we are princesses, the daughters of our king - Hashem - and we should be dressed appropriately!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beauty Within, Beauty Without

Join us this Saturday night at 7:00 for our 3rd Bat Mitzvah Club Meeting.
Come find out the Jewish perspective on Modesty.
Don't forget to bring your journals.
Can't wait to see you!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Save the Date!!

The 3rd BMC meeting will take place on Saturday night, January 31.
Stay tuned for more details.

Friday, January 16, 2009


What have you learned in our meetings that you didn't know before?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Are all decisions black and white?

We learned about our 2 souls. Our animal soul and our G-dly soul. The greatest gift we get at our Bat Mitzvah is our G-dly soul. It helps us make the right decisions. We played a priorities game where we had to choose our top 4 priorities. And off course for the A&C we made black and white fringe pillows. If we're not sure of what to do... We can sleep on it! So what are you going to do now? Continue what you're doing, or go do homework or help your mother? I know you'll make the right decision!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

BMC Meeting #2

It was great seeing you all tonight! I hope you all had a great time, we did!!
I want to start seeing some comments on this blog.
Good luck with school, don't get too stressed out!
Stay tuned for pictures.