Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meeting #3

We had a great time. We started off by squeezing toothpaste out of its tube. Easy enough. The hard part came when we had to try to get the toothpaste back inside. From this we learned that once we say something, we can never take it back. It will always leave its mark.
We talked about 3 aspects of modesty. Thought, speech and action. We did an activity where we had to try and tell people's professions by their faces. We all guessed, but we were only able to really tell once we saw the full picture and what they were wearing. From this we learned that clothing really does show on the person. We had lot of fun making frosted mirrors. (Some of us learned how to use a razor!) When we get dressed every morning, we should look ourselves in the mirror and make sure that the way we're dressed will give the impression we want to make. That we are princesses, the daughters of our king - Hashem - and we should be dressed appropriately!

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